The first time I tried to connect with the lovely Canelo it didn't work. I couldn't get his attention, he seemed to be jumping up and down and was very focussed elsewhere. Later, I understood from his owner that at that exact moment they were preparing to travel from Holland to Switzerland. 

Hello Canelo, your new mum asked me to have a talk to you.Is that okay for you? I like to ask how you are doing.

Canelo tells me that he is fine with that.

I am fine. But there are always changes and all these changes are making me nervous.

Dear Canelo, can you tell me where you come from?

I do not get a clean answer, but I see a vision of an elderly person feeding him from time to time. It doesn't seem though that he was living with this person.

Dear Kanelo, is there something you are afraid of?

The message I get is that is Canelo is not really afraid of something specific, but he is extremely anxious,  nervous and  Insecure about that will happen next. He is always looking for information to know what is going on next.

Do you have pain somewhere?

Now, my attention is drawn to his throat and I feel an unpleasant pressure on my trroat. Clearly Canelo tells me he doesn't like to wear a normal collar. 

What do you need from your people to make your life better?

I like to have structure. I don't like changes, and at the least it is nice to know what is going to  happen.

Dear Canelo, is there anything else you like to tell?

I like to have Happy as my brother.

Dear Canelo, thank you for talking to me and for your trust. Your mum wants you to know that she is very happy to have you and wants to give you the best life possible.


Additional nformation I gave the client:

Canelo comes across as highly energetic and extremely nervous. He seems easily distracted and absorbs energy from around him. I strongly advice to change his collar for a harness. And I think he benefits from Happy`s calm demeanor.

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